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Thursday, June 19, 2008





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Hadar Hacarmel - lit. "Splendor of the Carmel", named after words in the Bible (Isaiah 35:2) is a neighborhood in Haifa, Israel. It is located on the northern slope of Mount Carmel between the upper and lower city, overlooking the port and Haifa Bay. Hadar Hacarmel was once the commercial center of Haifa.

Hadar Hacarmel was founded before World War I. In 1944, most of Haifa's 66,000 Jewish residents lived in Hadar Hacarmel. [1]Haifa's city hall, courthouse and government buildings were located in this neighborhood, but have relocated to the lower city.

The Technion was located in Hadar Hacarmel until the new Kiryat Hatechnion campus was inaugurated. The old historic building, dating from 1912, is now a hands-on science museum, the National Museum of Science, Technology and Space. The Carmelit, Israel's only subway, runs from Carmel Center to Paris Square via Hadar Hacarmel. Beit Hagefen, an Arab-Jewish cultural center is located on the edge of Hadar Hacarmel and Wadi Nisnas. The neighborhood has many Bauhaus buildings designed by German-Jewish architects who settled in Palestine after fleeing the Nazis.

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